The AC Performance indoor group cycle is undoubtably, one of the hottest bikes on the market today.My company consulted on the design of the entire AC series bikes, and we are responsible for the professional level installation of the AC Performance models inot all of the Spectrum Clubs, The Sports Club LA clubs as well as ALL of the Equinox clubs in California. In fact Equinox commited to the AC bike in California, ONLY if our company was exclusively the building and installation company for their Cali. locations.This is not a bike you want built like a table from IKEA before you bring it home.We also offer our exclusive lifetime warranty and lifetime parts replacement with the AC models as well as most of our other new commercial bikes as well as our certified pre-owned models! cAl Jeff directly today for your freee consultation at 888-909-BIKE or 818-470-2204 or shoot him an email: